If you have never been to this event I will give you a tip, go next year. The many forms of music including rock, folk and acoustics and of course the diversity of the main stage are incredible. There are five venues within the confines of the Stirling Rugby Park where the different types of music are played, it's a joy to see young and old performers playing and enjoying their own musical adaptations.

Some of the bands that played on the main stage were "Beat That" Stirling's own Samba band, Steve Doucette country singer from Canada, "Too Old to Die Young" including Alan Longmuir from the Bay City Rollers and friends, "Albannach" a very visual tribal drum band, Ted Christopher & Bannockburn with their very own patriotic jockrock. These are just a few of the many artists that contributed and made it a tremendous day for everyone.

The weather was kind and the many thousands that attended thoroughly enjoyed themselves. This is a charity event musicians helping the fight against cancer. Please let us all try and support this next year as it is for a good cause.

By David Murdoch

Ted Christopher guests with "Too Old to Die Young" Alan Longmuir ( Bay City Rollers) & friends with this classic song.

Some of the crowd at the main stage
The event brought in thousands
Lachlan, Amber and wee Lucas, no he's not theirs !

More photos to come

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� Crann Tara 2006