Auchterellon School, Ellon, Aberdeenshire

Auchterellon is a primary school in the Northeast of Scotland, in fact Ellon, Aberdeenshire. At the moment on their curriculum�are projects on Wallace, Bruce and the Jacobites. Having a niece at the school, she stuck her hand up and suggested to the teacher that she�could get her uncle to come to the school as he knew about the subject. I don't know if the teacher had believed�her tale or no, but after a parents night, what Laura had said to the teacher was confirmed. �� After a phone call from the teacher,�it was�agreed to go to the school and give a wee display. Going to a school doesn't really require a lot of bodies and when I mentioned it to Bruce Corbett he jumped at the chance. The thing with going to a school as we have found in the past, is you just don't know how long you are going to be there for. Suprisingly enough and maybe for the first time the kids don't want to leave the class room when the bell rings for play time. �� We took along a range of weapons which always entices the kids, the Saltire flag and the Jacobite Standard and couple of antiquities from the period. We asked for a couple of volunteers to be dressed up in a plaid and ended up with the whole class with their hands up, so we left it to the teacher to decide who be our victims. To let the kids get their own back at the teacher, who happened to be "Mrs Campbell", we asked her how much she had been paying attention and to prepare and don the plaid as the kids had done. Actually to our amazement she completed the task better than some of our own guys do!!! as she had done it before, so she had to get 10 out of 10.

We left the school after being fed and watered in the staff room and with�the kids asking us if we were going to be coming back the following week, we could only reply to the kids that both Bruce and I had another full time job to do, which bamboozled them!!!!

Letters of appreciation from the children

This is two of the children we dressed up on the day.

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� Crann Tara 2006