On 14 April Crann Tara attended the Gaelic Society of Inverness' Commemoration Service at Culloden to remember the fallen, it was well attended and Crann Tara laid a wreath along with many other groups and societies. After we had paid our respects it was down to Tomatin to take part in what was billed as "A Grand March of the Rebels" which was organised by Barbara MacAskill-Potter to help raise funds for the SNP 3 Straths sub branch Strathnairn-Strathdearn-Stratherrick. There was a substantial turnout of a few hundred all carrying flags and banners from various clans and societies which included Crann Tara, SnG and The White Cockade. Before the march set off there was a speech read out on behalf of Fergus Ewing, we then set off along the side of the A9 until we veered under the railway and up onto rough high ground, before joining onto General Wade's road and finishing at the Rout of Moy cairn, where we enjoyed light refreshments. Those who did the whole walk said, it was hard going at times but well worth the effort. At the end there were various passionate speeches in both Gaelic and English, which included details regarding what happened at the Rout of Moy. After we were finished at the cairn it was back to the Tomatin Inn, where we had some entertainment organised with Ted Christopher. When we got there we found that some friends of ours, the Saints and Sinners Motorcycle Club,�were already there with their entertainment and it ended up being a joint venture with Crann Tara, SnG and The Saints and Sinners. The night went well to say the least.....

A short speech before starting off by Roy Pederson SNP
Kenny listening with his deaf ear
A piper leads them off
Crann Tara were well represented
It was very warm in the April sunshine
SnG were also there
Young and old took part
Guess who's first home ?
Crann Tara's mascot Bruce, with Brendan, Anna ,Ted & Connor
Guess what these two found in the woods
Kenny fires his muskat

TOMATIN INN evening entertainment

The party has started
Big Stewart is enjoying himself
Captions for this one to the webmaster please !
Saints or Sinners ?
Ted Christopher soon has the place rocking
Big Brian leading the dancing girls
Lovers of the world unite
The Bull in full flight
Ted Christopher has the place going mental
Ted sings I'm Coming Home and look at the passion
Stewart and Julie enjoying themselves
The Bull takes over with the singing
The morning after, the gang are posing with our great proprietors although the cook had one hell of a hangover.

Speech given by Roy Pederson on behalf of Fergus Ewing SNP prior to the march

�The Rout of Moy, which took place on 17th Feb 1746 , is surely one of the most remarkable incidents in the long and dramatic annals of the Highlands .

It features Scotland 's 'Beautiful Rebel lady Anne Mackintosh, known affectionately as "Colonel Anne", and five men who put a vastly superior force to flight. Her husband, Angus, was fighting on Hanoverian side, against Prince Charles Edward Stuart." Undaunted, Anne raised Clan Mackintosh and Clan Chattan to fight for the Prince.

Prince Charles and a guard of about 50 men decided to stop at Moy until enough of his men gathered that he could capture Inverness , then in Hanoverian hands under the Earl of Loudon. Lady Anne served a lavish meal to the prince and his men and they passed the evening with conversation, storytelling and general merriment before retiring at a late hour.

Meantime, Loudon had learned that Charles was at Moy, and thought this a perfect time to seize the Prince. Loudon led 1,500 redcoats to march to Moy, timed to arrive around midnight , when everyone in the house would be asleep.

However, young Lachlan Mackintosh, who lived in Inverness managed to elude the guard at Inverness and proceeded at top speed to Moy Hall where he tipped off Lady Anne of the impending attack. She called for the blacksmith, Donald Fraser and together they quickly hatched a plan. The Prince was awakened and slipped into the nearby woods.

Fraser armed himself and four other Moy men with pistols and muskets. They posted themselves along the road Loudon would have to take to arrive at Moy. Fraser cautioned the four not to fire until he gave the signal. Then, they were to fire one at a time rather than all at once.

Waiting quietly in the dark, Fraser and the four heard the noise of approaching marching men. When the first soldiers came near, Fraser called out loudly, "Here come the villains who want to carry off our Prince. Fire, my lads! Do not spare them! Give them no quarter!"

raser then shot his pistol, which was the signal the other men awaited. Each fired his weapon, and each called loudly on Macdonalds and Camerons to advance. They shouted for Lords Lochiel and Keppoch, who were major chiefs with the Prince's army. They ran back and forth in the wooded area, shouting and shooting in hopes of convincing the English that they had blundered into the entire Highland army.

The rouse succeeded and all 1,500 fled. Many deserted the next day.

Now, there is a lesson in this for us today. The Rout of Moy succeeded because of courage in the face of overwhelming odds, clever planning and disciplined implementation. The ultimate failure of the Jacobite cause on the field of Drumossie Moor was as much as anything down to bad planning and implementation.

Scotland today is poised for great things. We have the potential to shake off a century of low confidence, lethargy and lack of ambition. As a nation we now have the plan, the resources and the ability. All we need is the courage.

Remember the Beautiful Rebel and the five men of Moy!�

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� Crann Tara 2006